Laughter As An Emotional Release

Emotional Intelligence

A child has an innate ability to release tension, either by laughing or crying (for the latter please read my post on Positive Emotional Releases).

Laughter is fantastic to bring in when you are facing a tense situation. Playing the clown is one way you can encourage laughter - imagine pretending to bump into things and falling backwards holding your head dramatically or tripping over invisible logs and falling onto the floor or not finding the room you are supposed to be in ("That's not the kitchen, that's the bathroom, who has moved the kitchen?"). The options are endless, play with it. I have to be in the right frame of mind to authentically play the clown, some days I am not and this is OK, keep it real.

I have permission from one of my clients to share her story around laughter, I have changed the names. Here is the background, my client wanted her son to take his first baby steps towards separation. They agreed that a grown-up of his choosing would come over and play with him whilst she went outside nearby. As recommended she discussed it in the days leading up to the visit and there were, as expected, positive emotional releases. On the morning of the visit, they had lots of special 1-1 time and 10 minutes before the other grown-up was due to arrive they did some laughter therapy.

This is what she told me happened. "I played the clown, which I rather enjoyed, he was engaged, connected and belly laughing. When my friend arrived we were so happy and relaxed. As I left my son waved to me through the window with a big smile. Given his level of separation anxiety, this was miraculous and just what I had hoped for!"

Laughter is just one of the many tools for connection. Play with it, I hope belly-laughter and squeals of delight boom out of your home and let me know how you get on, I really love to hear back from you.

#Parenting #Motherhood #PositiveCommunication#PositiveParenting #NaturalParenting#NVCChildren #ConnectedParenting#GentleParenting #LaughterTherapy


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